What are some other options for storing yellow knit throw blanket besides a cedar chest or ottoman?

Here are some additional storage options for a yellow knit throw blanket:

Fabric bins or baskets

Breathable baskets or storage bins allow airflow while containing the blanket neatly.

Garment bags

Plastic or cotton garment bags protect against dust and can be folded/rolled to fit various spaces.

Vacuum compression bags

Removes air that causes wrinkles/mustiness. Great for short-term storage between uses.

Underbed storage containers

Clear plastic containers slide under beds for an out of sight solution.

Blanket ladder

Decorative wooden ladders designed specifically for draping and storing throws.

Cabinet or armoire

If you have extra shelving or hanging space in an unused cabinet or closet, this keeps blankets high and protected.

Trunk or chest

Decorative blankets chests or vintage steamer trunks provide aesthetic appeal along with proper storage conditions.

Attic or basement

As long as the area remains cool, dark and dry. Protection from direct light is important for color retention.

Proper folding/rolling and an airtight container are the keys to long-term yellow blanket preservation, regardless of the storage location.