How do I choose the right 22 gauge stainless steel staples for my upholstery project?

Here are some factors to consider when choosing 22 gauge stainless steel staples for your upholstery project:


Choose a staple length that is long enough to securely grip all layers of material being fastened. Generally 1 inch staples for thicker upholstery and 3/4 inch for thinner materials.

Crown style

Consider the crown shape of the staple. T-crowns are standard but staples with double crowns or wedge crowns may offer a stronger grip for some materials.

Leg style

Straight leg staples are most common but staples with offset, curved or wavy legs can be a better option for elastic bands, webbing or densely padded areas.

Staple features

Some staples have specialty features like barbs, dimples or perforated legs to help secure certain materials. Consider if your project needs these.

Material compatibility

Check that the stainless steel alloy used is compatible with any elastic, metal or foam components in your upholstery. Some alloys are better suited.

Corrosion resistance

Stainless steel staples will resist rust, but some grades are more corrosion-resistant than others. Consider this for exterior use or high humidity.

Coil style

Choose between standard cut lengths, strip and coil styles based on your stapler and project needs. Coils can be more economical.


Higher grade stainless steel alloys will offer better durability, longevity and resistance to bending or breaking over time. Consider this for heavy use pieces.

Staple quantity

Buy extra staples to have on hand for potential areas needing reinforcement or adjustments down the line. Staple consumption can vary on projects.

Factors like staple length, crown and leg style, features, material compatibility, corrosion resistance, coil vs cut style, durability, alloy grade and having extras are all important considerations when choosing the right 22 gauge stainless steel staples for your specific upholstery project.